

(1)〔Edwin Howard A.〕(1890-1954) アメリカの電気技術者。周波数変調方式( FM )の考案のほか、再生回路?スーパー-ヘテロダイン回路を発明。

(2)〔Louis A.〕(1900-1971) アメリカの黒人ジャズ-トランペット奏者?歌手。愛称サッチモ。ジャズ史上に現れた最初の天才として、トランペット奏者ばかりでなく、すべての楽器奏者?歌手に多大な影響を与えた。「上流社会」「グレン=ミラー物語」などの映画にも出演。

(3)〔William George A.〕(1810-1900) イギリスの技術者?企業家。水圧起重機?水力発電機および砲身内に鋼線を螺旋(らせん)状に巻いたアームストロング砲を発明。

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Kendo: Small Chapter IX (I)

sword-soo as the king is a simple, steady, four serial single process, which was desperately struggling to fend off a complete withdrawal right already, some of the king Gen Hazime force in the face of guilt, and he was forced to retire seven back to step one.
Still, he is off, panic Ou Hide sword, his arm is not broken Jianmen 8 sword style of the set of entries is nearly over and over again, or forget some of the Feiyuchin the past, some taught the basics of style paintings.

Disciples of time, "Oh how are you from it?" Lu Changchun, laughed: "Chino Don, I learned the layout of his sword just off, I think how you draw him?"

He is now the east Chino, a real fighter and wanted to gain experience in self-confidence gas Xiuyou King Gen Hazime, he had been caught in this predicament I did not expect. Wen Wei Po reported Nanaimo will see his mouth, first: "2 children

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